Flexible Hybrid Electronics

Flexible hybrid electronics (FHE) technology combines the flexibility and low cost of printed electronics technology with the performance of semiconductor devices to create a new category of electronics. No longer constrained by rigid, bulky and non-conforming printed circuit board assemblies (PCBAs), FHE technology can be applied to nearly any...


Good science does not equate to workable manufacturing. This has been a longstanding truth in tissue engineering, a field that has been in limbo between academic R&D and commercialization for its entire decades-long existence. Now, the U.S. can thank Tom Bollenbach—a Ph.D. in biochemistry who lived that experience for nearly 10 years—for helping to...

Robotics, Workforce

When you think of an Industry 4.0 or an advanced manufacturing career that involves robots, you may picture a factory setting filled primarily with men and barriers separating them from the robots. You may assume that everyone in the room has a Ph.D. You might think of the robot as being dangerous or perhaps being built to replace someone’s job.


COVID-19, Lightweight Materials, Workforce

LIFT, the Detroit-based, Department of Defense-supported national manufacturing innovation institute, announced it has partnered with Macomb Community College to provide advanced manufacturing training opportunities through the institute’s “Operation Next” program.

“Operation Next” is an innovative, self-paced, manufacturing-focused training and...

Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News
Biopharmaceutical, COVID-19, Innovation

In February 2020, NIIMBL ran a three-day workshop, which included participants from the FDA, the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology, plus what Erickson describes as “distinguished leaders in manufacturing and process development from 14 major manufacturers and suppliers.”

In January 2021, a team of pharmaceutical experts...