Photonics Media

o one can accuse Michael Cumbo, the new CEO of AIM Photonics, of being risk-averse. In the middle of a pandemic that has had most of us working from home, he left the Bay Area and an executive position at ZYGO Corp. to drive across the country to upstate New York, where he assumed leadership for an organization he had never visited and whose...

Industry Week
Flexible Hybrid Electronics

U.S. manufacturing has hit a “make or break” point where it must be creative and think differently if it is to survive and flourish. Even with manufacturing hitting a 14-month high in May , it still faces challenges, both from COVID-19 and global competition, particularly in places like China. To facilitate American manufacturing growth and...

Flexible Hybrid Electronics

Running a manufacturing facility during a pandemic is no easy feat and companies around the Bay Area are slowly adapting to incorporate Covid-19 protocols into their everyday production practices.

Gene Russell , CEO and president of Manex Consulting, says that opening can come with some challenges.

“Most are finding distancing to be the largest...

Smart Manufacturing

In a recent demonstration of the vendor-agnostic Smart Manufacturing Innovation Platform (SMIP) from CESMII, project partners first helped managers of North Carolina State University’s water purification plant get off the dime and analyze the data they were collecting with smart instruments.

“Automation has been going on for more than 100 years,”...