COVID-19, Electronics, Fabrics

Gov. Charlie Baker on Monday announced a new initiative and over $10 million in funding to support manufacturers’ efforts to pivot production operations to produce personal protective equipment and other critical devices, such as ventilators, sanitizers, and thermometers.

The Manufacturing Emergency Response Team (M-ERT) is being launched...

Additive Manufacturing, Composites, Digital Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Smart Manufacturing

As manufacturing undergoes the revolutionary changes of the Digital Age, the people with the keenest leadership skills have taken up the charge to modernize the industry so that it leverages the cloud and Big Data and is connected and smart. Their success encourages the rest of the manufacturing world to follow.

To assemble this list of leaders...

Additive Manufacturing, COVID-19

It's an all-hands – and robotic arms – on deck period in American history with manufacturers across the country leveraging technology to help combat COVID-19.

Most medical supplies still come from overseas while closer-to-home efforts are smaller scale and just getting underway. Still, advanced (automation/additive) manufacturing has mobilized...