Printed Electronics Now
Fabrics, Flexible Hybrid Electronics, Photonics, Robotics

Governments worldwide are partnering with industry and academia to boost research into the field of printed and flexible electronics. For example, the European Union (EU) has put considerable financial resources into a host of projects. In the US, the most notable project is NextFlex , which is helping to advance manufacturing capabilities for...

Flexible Hybrid Electronics

Chances are, unless it's a super-hot day or you're just about to deliver a speech in front of hundreds of VIPs, you don't think much about your sweat. It's an inconvenience at best, an embarrassment at worse. But it's time to stop being sniffy about sweat: thanks to a new generation of sensor technologies, sweat is helping to unlock the secrets of...

Additive Manufacturing

When you think about manufacturing, most of us probably have a fairly outdated picture in our head. There's a movement in Youngstown trying to update that mental image and perhaps give you a sense of hometown pride in the process.

"There's a lot of intelligent people in my hometown and I think people need to see that," said Zac DiVencenzo, the...