Automation, Design, Manufacturing

My congratulations go out to Gretchen Whitmer for winning my state's gubernatorial election. The governor-elect - as well as governors across the other 49-states - face many great challenges from health care to infrastructure with significant financial constraints. Of course, with great challenges come great opportunities. Given the significant...

Smart Industry
Digital Manufacturing, Manufacturing

The Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation Institute (DMDII), a Manufacturing USA institutes, in September named Chandra Brown its executive director, charging the veteran industrial professional with leading their efforts to, in their words, “Make every part better than the last.” You can find her full bio here .

Smart Industry chatted...

Media Planet
Digital Manufacturing, Education, Manufacturing, Photonics, Workforce

In our ever-changing world, technology is ushering in boundless opportunities. It’s our job to harness and shape innovation in ways that benefit our country.

Advanced manufacturing is not your grandparents’ technology — in fact, it’s the complete opposite. Smart machines, artificial intelligence, collaborative robotics, sensors built into fabrics...

Media Planet
Education, Manufacturing, Manufacturing Jobs

U.S. manufacturing contributes $2.25 trillion to the economy each year, provides more than 12 million careers with average salary and benefits above $80,000/year and is a key source of innovation. Manufacturers perform more than 75 percent of the nation’s private sector research and development.

However, there are two alarming trends in...

Media Planet
Education, Manufacturing, Workforce

An advanced manufacturing workforce requires a higher level of preparation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Over the next decade millions of jobs are expected to open in manufacturing, with the majority of them projected to go unfilled. To achieve sustained economic growth, we must start educating tomorrow’s manufacturing...