Photonics Media
Education, Photonics, Workforce

Gerald Gagnon has come a long way from his South Texas upbringing. His ambition for higher education brought him to the Northeast about three years ago, where he discovered better educational opportunities. He settled in western Massachusetts and earned an associate’s degree in liberal arts from Springfield Technical Community College (STCC), where...

C&G News
Education, Materials, STEM, Workforce

A Stevenson High School science teacher took some summer school of his own this month at a Detroit workshop to guarantee that he has the right stuff to teach lessons about materials science.

Stevenson’s Curtis Davis joined other metro Detroit educators at a July 9-13 ASM Materials Science Camp for Teachers at Lightweight Innovations for Tomorrow’s...

Delaware Business Times
Bioengineering, Biopharmaceutical, Manufacturing

In the fast-moving world of biopharmaceuticals, the University of Delaware is preparing to demonstrate the importance of being NIIMBL .

Launched at UD’s Delaware Biotechnology Institute last year, the National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals (NIIMBL), a Manufacturing USA institute, is moving from its startup and...
Economy, Education, Materials, Robotics, STEM, Workforce

LOWELL -- It's a tale of two fabrics.

The standard uniform catches fire and never stands a chance, burning completely through.

But the other flame-retardant uniform self-extinguishes the fire within a few seconds, resulting in a charred sleeve. This safer, lower cost, non-toxic material may end up saving soldiers and firefighters in the future.

Industry Week
Education, Manufacturing, Workforce

The new leader of Manufacturing USA’s lightweighting institute, Lightweight Innovations for Tomorrow (LIFT), seeks small manufacturers with big ideas.

When he spoke to IndustryWeek in June, Nigel Francis had spent all of 10 days as CEO of LIFT , the Detroit-based Manufacturing USA institute focused on lightweighting innovation. But Francis already...