Industry Week
Education, IIOT, Manufacturing, Robotics, Workforce

Manufacturing in the U.S will build on its current strength by using “technology to empower American potential and ingenuity," according to the Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM).

The institute, which is a member of Manufacturing USA, a network of regional institutes, looks to robotics to bring about the change. Robotics can “elevate, not...

Democrat and Chronicle
Automation, Defense, Economy, Electronics, Facilities, Manufacturing, Manufacturing Jobs, Photonics, Productivity, Smart Manufacturing, Sustainability, Workforce

Construction of a national photonics initiative headquartered in Rochester should end up $3.2 million under budget, officials said Tuesday.

Meanwhile, roughly half of the $44 million in tools for the research hub on Lake Avenue have been delivered or are in transit. Installation is expected to begin next month, with officials anticipating an...

Knowable Magazine
Additive Manufacturing, Composites, Manufacturing, Materials

Since May 2015, in a portion of its WorldPort distribution center in Louisville, Kentucky, United Parcel Service has been operating a spare parts warehouse with no spare parts. Instead, the facility is stocked with ultrafast 3-D printers that can build up almost any plastic part that’s required, layer by layer by layer — and have it ready for UPS...

Additive Manufacturing, Biomanufacturing, Innovation, Public Private Partnerships
Dean Kamen founded the Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute ( ARMI ) to mass produce human organs. The goal is to jumpstart a new industry of biofabrication in the U.S. Nearly 120,000 Americans are waiting for a donated organ, and 20 of them die each day waiting for a transplant. Dean Kamen has raised about $300 million, $80 million from...