
From Disrupted to Disruptor: Using Emerging Technologies to Transform Your Business

Digital Manufacturing

United States

Date & Time: Thursday, June 25, 11:00 a.m. ET - 12:00 p.m. ET

In today’s market, industries are changing and business models are evolving faster than anyone could have imagined. Data is driving a new revolution and we are in the midst of a truly transformative period of time. From smart connected products to predictive and prescriptive analytics, the ideas of yesterday are quickly becoming the reality of today. As companies continue to innovate and disrupt industries, one thing is for certain: there will be companies disrupted by this change. Now is the time for you to harness the power of emerging technologies to become a disruptor in your space and redefine your industry.

Join Software AG and MxD for this webinar and learn:
 What emerging technologies really mean for your business and why it's important to embrace it.
 Current market trends for AI and ML, edge vs. cloud and business transformation, and where the landscape is headed.
 Real-world examples of how businesses are leveraging emerging technologies to gain a competitive edge.
 Best practices and considerations for getting started on the right track.

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