Manufacturing USA: Celebrating 10 Years of Innovation, Collaboration & Education
In the 10 years since its inception, Manufacturing USA has become a catalyst for increasing U.S. manufacturing competitiveness by connecting people, ideas, and technology. The Manufacturing USA network has grown to 18 innovation institutes, sponsored by the U.S. Departments of Commerce, Defense, and Energy. Each institute is a public-private partnership with a distinct technology focus but works toward a common goal to secure the future of U.S. manufacturing through innovation, collaboration, and education. The institute model creates ecosystems of stakeholders from industry, academia, and government to work together on transformational projects related to technologies, supply chains, and education and workforce development.
Where we Started
The creation of Manufacturing USA in 2014 was a strategic response to global economic shifts, where supply chains for advanced technology products shifted overseas, threatening U.S. leadership in advanced manufacturing. While the U.S. had remained a leader in innovation and research and development, there was an urgent concern about the risk of a declining competitive position.
These risks included new products being stranded in the lab, falling behind in the advancement of critical technologies, slowing innovation because the link between manufacturing production and product/process development was weakening, and gaps in workforce skills required to operate advanced manufacturing processes in the future.
A 2017 National Academies report states: “Recognizing that technology innovation is closely tied to manufacturing knowledge … the United States cannot remain the world’s engine of innovation absent a strong domestic advanced manufacturing sector.”1
Where We Are Now
Today, the Manufacturing USA network is helping position the U.S. as a global leader in advanced manufacturing while supporting critical infrastructure for national security. To commemorate this 10th anniversary, Manufacturing USA offers highlights of these 10 areas where the network has made a significant impact.
Institute Impact
Read more about the achievements of individual institutes who have turned ten — and their plans for the next decade and beyond.