
FLEXINAR: Presented by Celanese: The Heat is On! - New Material Options for Improved Thermal Management

Flexible Hybrid Electronics

United States

High power density and limitations in thermal management often result in operating temperatures of electronics exceeding the temperature limits of conventional materials. To address these challenges, Micromax™ Electronic Inks and Pastes is developing materials solutions that improve thermal management and provide new material options that exceed performance requirements at high operating temperatures. Metallization pastes designed for high thermal conductivity substrates, such as aluminum nitride, can improve thermal management when reduced operating temperatures are essential. Micromax™ HT series pastes for printed electronics can extend the operating temperatures for flexible printed electronics beyond 200C. These pastes are fluorine-free, making them suitable for short-term exposure to 300C without any risk of toxic decomposition products. Alternatives to solder are also needed at high operating temperatures. Micromax™ DA510 sintering silver paste provides a high-reliability alternative to solder for die attach in silicon carbide transistor mounting where operating temperatures can exceed 200C. This technology enables long-lasting power inverter modules in electric vehicles.

Dr. H David Rosenfeld, Applications Development Leader from Micromax™ Electronic Inks and Pastes, will talk about the HT family of products for high-temperature printed electronics and the DA family of sintering silver products for high-temperature, high-reliability attach applications.

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