
Foundry Industry 4.0 Conference

Process Intensification

United States

What do metalcasting leaders need to know now about Industry 4.0 in order to make smart investments and gain a lasting business advantage for your foundry? How connected is your foundry today? Industry 4.0 is no longer just about the future. Smart, proactive manufacturers are using innovation and technology today to improve productivity, profitability and worker safety. Evaluating and implementing technology today is the key to remaining competitive and sustainable into your tomorrow.

The designation ‘‘4.0’’ is often used in reference to the next phase of the Industrial Revolution (the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”) and generally expresses the impact of smart manufacturing and the implementation of technology in manufacturing.

MxD President & CTO Federico Sciammarella will be a featured keynote speaker at this year's Foundry Industry 4.0 Conference.

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