Texas A&M University
College Station, TX
United States
The first goal of this symposium is to highlight and discuss applied research in advanced manufacturing conducted in collaboration with one or more Manufacturing USA Institutes. The second goal of this symposium is to highlight and discuss basic research in advanced manufacturing, which may enable innovations in the technical focus areas of the Manufacturing USA Institutes.
This symposium will accept written papers or oral presentations on research that is being (or has been) done in collaboration with one, or more, Manufacturing USA institutes (https://www.manufacturingusa.com/institutes). There are currently 14 Manufacturing USA institutes.
Dr. Frank Pfefferkorn, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA, Ph: 608-263-2668, Frank.Pfefferkorn [at] wisc.edu (Frank[dot]Pfefferkorn[at]wisc[dot]edu)
Dr. Shreyes Melkote, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA, Ph: 404-894-8499, Shreyes.Melkote [at] me.gatech.edu (Shreyes[dot]Melkote[at]me[dot]gatech[dot]edu)
Dr. Brad Kinsey, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA, Ph: 603-862-1811, Brad.Kinsey [at] unh.edu (Brad[dot]Kinsey[at]unh[dot]edu)
Mike Vogler, Caterpillar Inc., Peoria, IL, USA, Ph: 309-578-4462, Vogler_Mike [at] cat.com (Vogler_Mike[at]cat[dot]com)
ASME’s Manufacturing Engineering Division (MED), North American Manufacturing Research Institution (NAMRI) / Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), and Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office (AMNPO)