Oregon State Univeristy
1110 NE Circle Blvd
Corvallis, OR
United States
Come see the possibilities enabled by the frictionless movement of information – raw and contextualized data – between real-time Operations and the people and systems that create value in and across your organizations. And, come see how CESMII is ensuring the power of information and innovation is at the fingertips of everyone who touches manufacturing.
Join CESMII’s HQ and regional leaders to experience firsthand CESMII’s SM Platform – a centerpiece of CESMII’s Technology Roadmap since our institute’s inception – and CESMII’s framing of Smart Manufacturing as a pillar for manufacturers to build competitive advantage.
CESMII Regional Manufacturing Center Directors will each host Jonathan Wise, CESMII VP of Technology and Mike Yost, Outreach Advisor, CESMII leaders entrusted with driving our nation’s efforts to democratize Smart Manufacturing technologies and knowledge, as they present valuable insights and information through formal presentations and informal townhall-style discussions.