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BiologYou at SEE Science Center

Biotechnology, Materials, Robotics
Format: In-person
Audience: K-12, Underserved community
Partners: SEE Science Center, National Human Genome Research Institute, The National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, The Whitehead Institute/MIT Center for Genome Research

BiologYou is an interactive exhibition at the SEE Science Center that introduces visitors to DNA, its structure and function. Additional pieces of the exhibit at SEE showcase proteins, human cells and human development utilizing colorful, inviting components. The permanent exhibit also introduces emerging technologies including gene editing using virus delivery. Additional efforts by SEE Science Center include Summer Camps and Workshops and Mini-Courses provided to students that utilize hands-on activities that have been developed by ARMI | BioFabUSA like The Ghostly Heart.

SEE Science Center, 200 Bedford St, Manchester, 03101 NH USA
cjohnson [at] armiusa.org