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BioSuiteVR: Accelerating Bioindustrial Training to Meet Workforce Development Demand

Bio Industrial Manufacturing
Format: Virtual
Audience: Undergraduate
Partners: GraspXR

Industry and education leaders will partner to develop BioSuiteVR, a virtual reality (VR) training platform that will deliver impactful and efficient training for bioindustrial manufacturing. Trainees will be placed in an immersive VR environment featuring fully functioning bioindustrial manufacturing equipment.

BioSuiteVR will go beyond the bench to ensure that users learn not just how to do a given process, but also understand the underlying scientific concepts. Upon successful completion of training modules, users may test for certified credentials within the virtual environment.

BioSuiteVR offers standardized training on equipment that is largely not found in biotechnology education programs across the country due to high capital costs, maintenance, space, complexity, and safety concerns. The platform aims to reduce the time to train and increase the level of scientific understanding for standard and advanced bioindustrial processes, leading to an increase in overall job satisfaction. BioSuiteVR can be integrated into any existing curriculum or as agile standalone training in any educational or industrial setting.

GraspXR, 809 Prospect Ct S, St. Petersburg, 33701 FL USA
hello [at] biomade.org