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Regional Partnerships for Training the Biomanufacturing Workforce in Worcester, MA

Bio Industrial Manufacturing
Format: Hybrid
Audience: K-12
Partners: BioBuilder

Through this project, member BioBuilder enhanced, refined, and finalized a “biotechnology-in-a-box" curriculum that prepares high school students to enter the bioindustrial manufacturing workforce. BioBuilder partnered with Worcester Public Schools and Worcester Polytechnic Institute to implement the curriculum.

This curriculum trains students for life-changing careers in biomanufacturing. The curriculum is aligned with advanced coursework and certificate programs through Worcester Polytechnic Institute. BioBuilder also integrated biomanufacturing into career guidance resources sent to current students.

The Worcester Public Schools Innovation Pathways Program curriculum was successfully used in BioBuilder’s 8-week High School Apprenticeship Challenge. Of the 19 students in the program – all from economically disadvantaged backgrounds – 14 were hired as summer interns in academic or industry programs!

Learn more about the program and download free sample lessons at https://biotechbuilder.org/

BioBuilder, 78 Dalton Road, Newton, 02459 MA USA
hello [at] biomade.org