Flexible Hybrid Electronics, Photonics, Re-manufacturing, Robotics

Their work could spring from the minds of sci-fi writers Octavia Butler or Isaac Asimov, but everything done at R&D institutes focused on electronics engineering is real.

The smattering of innovate R&D institutes EE Times surveyed this fall are compressing the two-year timeline of Moore’s Law to six months: they are lightweighting aircraft by...

Education, Robotics, Workforce

The Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) Institute, the nation’s leading robotics and artificial intelligence manufacturing innovation institute, has opened a satellite office in St. Petersburg.

“St. Petersburg is a perfect fit for us, with the state’s focus on the manufacturing industry and the city’s emphasis on specialized manufacturing...

Biopharmaceutical, Education, Workforce

The National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals (NIIMBL) launches NIIMBL bioLOGIC, a pilot program designed to bring awareness to and foster interest in careers in the biopharmaceutical manufacturing industry. NIIMBL has partnered with the North Carolina Biotechnology Center and has selected Southern High School of Energy...

Education, Smart Manufacturing, Workforce

Recognizing the urgent need to accelerate the adoption of smart manufacturing in the U.S., CESMII, the Smart Manufacturing Institute, along with the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) announced today the launch of the Smart Manufacturing Executive Council (SMEC). Described as “a national think tank of smart manufacturing leaders,” the Smart...