Industry Today
Cybersecurity, Lightweight Materials

MxD and LIFT, manufacturing innovation institutes sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense based in Chicago and Detroit, respectively, celebrate a decade of bolstering the vitality of the American manufacturing sector and strengthening the nation’s defense industrial base in 2024.

Recognizing manufacturing is a major driver of both innovative...

Artificial Intelligence, Manufacturing

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) intends to announce a competition for a new Manufacturing USA institute. The expected competition will seek to establish a Manufacturing USA institute focused on using artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the resilience of U.S. manufacturers. The U.S. Government intends to enter into...

Industry Week
Additive Manufacturing

As U.S. manufacturing continues to recover from the challenges ushered in by the pandemic, the industry currently is facing a workforce shortage. According to a 2021 study by Deloitte and the Manufacturing Institute, 2.1 million manufacturing jobs could go unfilled by 2030. This statistic raises the critical question of how to fill these roles...


The White House on Friday touted the U.S. government's plan to spend $11 billion on semiconductor-related research and development and said it was launching the $5 billion National Semiconductor Technology Center.

Congress in August 2022 approved the landmark Chips and Science Act. The law provides that $52.7 billion, including $39 billion in...