Flexible Hybrid Electronics

A nxious Astronaut has suffered an anxiety attack in space. It could be debilitating, they’re not sure. And unlike, say, a broken arm, it is not immediately visible to Anxious’ co-workers. Anxious Astronaut is good at hiding their problem, which is how they got through the screening process on Earth. But Anxious Astronaut needs to be operating at...

Biomanufacturing, Biopharmaceutical

In my capacity as the Chair of the Council of the Manufacturing USA institute directors, I often get asked about trends in U.S. advanced manufacturing. When I receive a question like this, I try to think about advanced manufacturing as broadly as possible — and consider technologies that could stand to benefit most manufacturers, as well as the U...

Industry Week

Manufacturing is key to securing America’s future, and with Industry 4.0 in full swing, US companies need to act quickly adopt automation and robotics to remain competitive. Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing ( ARM) seeks to ease this burden by identifying the most critical technology and workforce problems and issuing project calls to its base of...

Industrial Equipment News
Lightweight Materials

Although it may not be obvious, there’s a close link between manufacturing technology and innovation. Elon Musk often talks of the “machines that build the machines” as being the real enabler in both his space and automotive businesses.

Using less-expensive, more scalable processes allows Space X to launch missions on budgets and with speed that...