Closed Opportunities

Additive Manufacturing

Proliferation of AM Material Datasets, is offering a total of $5.75M in funding through OSD(R&E) and the AFRL. Recognizing there are additional material systems beyond Ti-6Al-4V that can benefit the AM industry, this project call aims to increase the number and type of pedigreed, statistically based, and industrially relevant AM material datasets...

Additive Manufacturing

Powder Alloy Development for Additive Manufacturing (PADAM), is worth $6M and is being funded by the AFRL. America Makes, its members, and Government stakeholders have assessed the benefits and strategic opportunities offered through the development and scaling of novel AM (additive manufacturing) materials at the Alloy Development Workshop in 2021...

Additive Manufacturing, Funding Opportunity

The National Center for Defense Manufacturing and Machining (NCDMM) and America Makes have announced a new open project call funded by the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Research and Engineering Manufacturing Technology Office (OSD (R&E)), and the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) worth a total of $6.4M. The number of anticipated...

Lightweight Materials

LIFT, the Detroit-based national manufacturing innovation institute, has announced its 2023 LEAP (LIFT Ecosystem Accelerator Program) Project Call and is accepting submissions through August 21, 2023.

The project call is designed to solicit exciting new project ideas from LIFT members connecting materials, processes and systems, and bring them...

Biomanufacturing, Education, Workforce

BioMADE is now accepting White Paper submissions for projects that contribute to building a sustainable, domestic, end-to-end bioindustrial manufacturing ecosystem. Projects that enable domestic bioindustrial manufacturing, develop technologies to enhance U.S. bioindustrial competitiveness, de-risk investment in relevant infrastructure, and expand...