Closed Opportunities

Manufacturing, Photonics, Process

The 3rd annual AIM Photonics Call for Proposals is open to qualified parties that seek to secure and match federal funding for projects targeting the high-level goals of the institute. Proposals are due Monday, June 19th, 2017, by 9:00 AM EDT. Visit AIM Photonics for details, templates, and file size limits. Proposals must be submitted to...

National Science Foundation
Additive Manufacturing, Automation, Composites, Design, Economy, Education, Energy, Health, IIOT, Impact, Innovation, Manufacturing, Materials, Network, Photonics, Process, Productivity, Security, Sustainability, Workforce

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is interested in receiving research proposals addressing critical fundamental research needs in advanced manufacturing, and particularly in projects that may enable innovations in the technical focus areas of one or more of the Manufacturing USA Institutes. Such proposals should leverage the facilities...

Education, Materials, Process

The "LIFT Prize in Robotic Blacksmithing” is a LIFT Education and Workforce Development Initiative in which high school and college students from around the country can participate, innovate and earn cash prizes. It provides the students with a more creative approach to learning, as well as an exciting way to stay engaged, particularly in science...

Department of Defense

This is a Department of Defense (DOD) led Funding Opportunity Announcement for the Robots in Manufacturing Environments Manufacturing Innovation Institute (RIME-MII). This FOA seeks proposals from U.S. non-profit organizations (minimum 1:1 cost share) interested in entering into a Technology Investment Agreement (TIA), pursuant to 10 USC §2371, for...

National Science Foundation
Additive Manufacturing, Automation, Composites, Design, Economy, Education, Energy, Health, IIOT, Impact, Innovation, Manufacturing, Materials, Network, Photonics, Process, Productivity, Security, Sustainability, Workforce

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is announcing interest in research proposals to address critical fundamental research needs in advanced manufacturing, especially proposals that will enable innovations in one or more of the Manufacturing USA institutes' focus areas and leverage the facilities, infrastructure and member companies of an...