
Accelerating U.S. Advanced Manufacturing


On October 27, 2014, the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership (AMP) report, Accelerating U.S. Advanced Manufacturing, was released. The report reflects the significant actions taken by the AMP and its members to launch public-private initiatives, and offers recommendations to enable innovation in critical emerging manufacturing technologies. Suggestions include additional investments in innovation, securing the talent pipeline, and improving the business climate for innovative manufacturing firms.

Image of the report cover for the Accelerating U.S. Advanced Manufacturing.

Accelerating U.S. Advanced Manufacturing

The AMP Steering Committee, co-chaired by Andrew Liveris of Dow Chemical and Rafael Reif of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, worked within the framework of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology to build on the work of the 2012 AMP report to harness the efforts of manufacturers, educators, labor, and the public to catalyze advanced manufacturing in the United States.

Contact: amnpo [at] (Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office) - (301) 975-2830

Read the full Accelerating U.S. Advanced Manufacturing

Associated Documents

Fact sheet
