
Report to Congress: Fiscal Year 2019


The Annual Report to Congress documents the progress of Manufacturing USA in meeting its goals and highlights accomplishments of the federal agency-sponsored manufacturing institutes that participated in Manufacturing USA in fiscal year 2019. 

Manufacturing USA brings together nine federal agencies to collaborate with industry and academia using a “whole-of-government” approach towards the innovation and development of advanced manufacturing technologies. The federal agencies establish and support manufacturing innovation institutes aligned with national priorities, with a common foundational structure built upon the needs of industry to accelerate transformational manufacturing technologies. 

Manufacturing USA Annual Report To Congress FY2019 final Cover

In FY 2019, three federal agencies sponsored Manufacturing USA institutes: the Department of Commerce with one institute, the Department of Defense with eight institutes, and the Department of Energy with five institutes. The Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office, headquartered at NIST under the Department of Commerce, oversees the branding and coordination of Manufacturing USA. 

Each institute is a public-private partnership focused on a specific technology area of critical importance to the nation’s ability to establish and maintain leadership in advanced manufacturing.

The institutes connect member organizations, including companies, universities, community colleges, state and local governments, and Manufacturing Extension Partnership organizations. These member organizations work together within each institute’s technological field of focus, leveraging co-investment in emerging innovations and sharing capital-intensive infrastructure. Together, they develop new pre-competitive manufacturing technologies and train the workforce with skills to foster a globally competitive US manufacturing base.