NextFlex Workforce dev Sadie and Ryan
Flexible Hybrid Electronics, Workforce
A career in manufacturing is boring.

The perception that manufacturing means doing the same thing day after day, is wrong! In many manufacturing companies, there is a constant introduction of new products, new processes and new things to learn including the latest state of the art technology.

Manufacturing environments are old, dirty and dingy. ...
Profusa skin worn reader
Flexible Hybrid Electronics

Profusa had a vision for its Lumee™ Oxygen Platform to be used in patients with potential acute and/or chronic changes in tissue oxygen levels who may benefit from continuous monitoring.

Before it could be commercially available, Profusa had a key issue to resolve with the wearable reader of its injectable hydrogel sensor.

“Ten years ago, you...

MxD Engineer Alex Garcia

Alex Velez was working his regular graveyard shift at a Checkers restaurant in southwest suburban Chicago when he realized he’d had enough.

The customers were rude. He hated the constant smell of boiling oil. And he was tired of the frantic hustle to fry large orders of french fries for last-minute parties.

So one night, from a corner of the...

IACMI Workforce Development
Composites, Workforce

IACMI has leveraged institute partnerships, members, and IACMI facilities to create programs that grow the composites workforce by providing composites-related training opportunities.


IACMI hosts interns each year at IACMI partner and member locations. Intern hosts include:

