UMass Lowell Research Team
Education, Fabrics, STEM, Workforce

A team of University of Massachusetts (UMass) Lowell researchers has partnered with researchers from Saint-Gobain, a multinational manufacturer of construction and high-performance materials, to create new, cost-effective sensor-laden textiles that can be used to monitor the structural health and integrity of vital infrastructures across the...

Students in Idaho working with LIFT
Education, Lightweight Materials, Workforce

Preparing students to fill the demand for advanced manufacturing specialists, LIFT’s MakerMinded program provides schools with learning and competition experiences to excite students about 21st century manufacturing careers.

The Need

As manufacturing technology advances, the industry is facing an employment crisis. Current manufacturing employees...

DEan Kamen

ASME recently sponsored a briefing on Capitol Hill in partnership with the House Manufacturing Caucus to highlight the challenges facing regenerative medicine. The briefing, titled “Organs on Demand: What’s Stopping Us from Made-to-Order Tissues and Organs,” brought together leaders in the field of regenerative medicine who are working to take this...

IACMI group photo
Composites, Workforce

Thank you to all the IACMI members who attended and participated in the Winter 2019 Members Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana last week. We appreciate your time and enthusiasm for sharing the innovations IACMI members are fostering in the composites ecosystem. This event would not be possible without the support of meeting sponsors, including the In...