Mike Molnar, Director


Mike Molnar is the founding director of the Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office, the interagency team responsible for the Manufacturing USA program.  Mike also leads the NIST Office of Advanced Manufacturing and serves as co-chair of the National Science and Technology Council, Subcommittee on Advanced Manufacturing – the team responsible for the National Strategic Plan for Advanced Manufacturing. 

Prior to joining federal service in 2011 Mike had a successful industry career, including 25 years leading manufacturing and technology development at Cummins, a U.S. based global company that designs, manufactures, and distributes engines and power generation products. Midcareer he served as the first Manufacturing Policy Fellow in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.  He earned a Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering and Master’s in Manufacturing Systems Engineering from the University of Wisconsin, and an Executive MBA from the University of Notre Dame.  He is a licensed Professional Engineer, Certified Manufacturing Engineer, and was elected a Fellow of SME and a Fellow and Honorary Member of ASME.