Quality Digest
Biomanufacturing, Biopharmaceutical

B iopharmaceutical manufacturing uses living cells to produce therapies that treat diseases like cancer, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders. Manufacturing medicine using biology presents different challenges from the traditional chemical manufacturing processes that stamp out identical pressed pills.

Biomanufacturing processes are hard to control...

Industry Week
Photonics, Workforce

American factories are about twice as efficient today as they were three decades ago. Cutting-edge “Industry 4.0 technologies” such as artificial intelligence, advanced robotics, data analytics, and the Internet of Things have bolstered productivity. They’ve also automated many low-skill factory jobs and created new, high-skill jobs requiring...

Plant Services
Digital Manufacturing

Looking through the glass wall into the 22,000 square foot manufacturing floor at MxD in Chicago, one of 14 federal manufacturing research and development institutes in the United States, the uninitiated may be mystified by the gleaming space with testing stations of machines old and new, digital screens, and other equipment with functions and...

Bioengineering, Biomanufacturing

HHS launched on Monday the nation’s first Foundry for American Biotechnology for producing technological solutions that help protect against and respond to health security threats, as well as improve daily medical care and bolster the bioeconomy.

The HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response is working in conjunction...

New Hampshire Union Leader
Biomanufacturing, Biopharmaceutical

Inside one of the new labs at the University of New Hampshire’s Manchester campus on a recent afternoon, assistant professor of biotechnology Kristen Johnson and two students evaluated genes as part of pancreatic cancer research.

The process is known as quantitative polymerase chain reaction, or qPCR.

“We are looking at various aspects of...