Printed Electronics Now
Flexible Hybrid Electronics

As a member of the Manufacturing USA national institutes, NextFlex is the home for developing manufacturing capabilities for flexible hybrid electronics (FHE), from health care to sensors and much more. Formed in 2015 as a partnership between the US Department of Defense and FlexTech Alliance, NextFlex has an interest in governmental applications...
Energy, Fabrics, Flexible Hybrid Electronics, Lightweight Materials, Photonics

What happens when you combine the strength of the American worker with investment in cutting-edge science and technology? Innovations capable of changing the world.

Manufacturing USA® , a network of 14 manufacturing institutes across the United States, does just that. Each of its public-private partnerships enables precompetitive collaboration...

Industry Week
Lightweight Materials, Workforce

The increasing pace of change in technology-driven manufacturing calls for more immersive educational models.

For decades, our nation has invested billions of dollars in programs and initiatives to address the disconnection between workforce demand and supply.

However, the advanced manufacturing skills gap still exists. So that leaves the...

Robotics Business Review
Manufacturing, Reports, Workforce

Manufacturing USA today released its 2018 Annual Report , which provides details on innovations taking place at 14 institutes across the U.S. that focus on technology and workforce development. The report showed strong membership growth across all of the institutes, funding increases that went beyond the required 1:1 government/industry target, and...

Breaking Defense
Flexible Hybrid Electronics

Adhesive patches that monitor your health by analyzing chemicals in your sweat. A flexible sheet of radio-receiving electronics you can bend into different shapes to pick up different wavelengths, nicknamed the “ origami antenna .” A strength-boosting exoskeleton that detects the tiny electrical charge just before your muscles flex, then moves with...