
CESMII: Open Project Calls: RFP2 - Wave 3 & RFP2 - Wave 4


CESMII announces two (2) Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for institute roadmap projects. These RFPs are the final two waves of CESMII's second round of project requests (RFP2) launched in mid-2019. The areas of interest for these RFP waves will focus on:

  • improving the core capabilities and addressing gaps in the CESMII Smart Manufacturing Innovation Platform (Wave 3); and,
  • launching a new category of projects, called Innovation Projects, to create solutions to manufacturing problems through the use of CESMII technologies (Wave 4).

The SM Innovation Platform (SMIP) is an environment that allows individual operational technology (OT) functional components to be able to interoperate, and for data to be orchestrated between these components. At the heart of SMIP are SM Profiles, an innovative way of providing the ability to move "data-in-context" from source to consumption, and between components that consume the data to provide a solution. The SMIP also includes the SM Marketplace from where OT applications and SM Profiles can be configured for developing solutions to manufacturing use cases.

Innovation Projects are designed to rapidly develop solutions to solve challenging manufacturing use cases for processes and equipment relevant for CESMII's membership. Projects must bring value rapidly (approximately 3-6 months) and will be executed in an agile manner by an interdisciplinary team led by a manufacturer. The project team will collaborate and develop a solution that includes information models (SM Profiles) and applications necessary to solve the use case.

Proposals for each wave of this RFP are on separate schedules, as outlined below and in the supporting Resource documents.

RFP2 - Wave 3 Proposals

  • Full proposal submission deadline is June 19, 2020 by 11:59pm PDT.
  • Proposals must be submitted to roadmapprojects.info [at] cesmii.org (roadmapprojects[dot]info[at]cesmii[dot]org) in order to be accepted.

RFP2 - Wave 4 Proposals

  • Full proposal submission deadline is June 8, 2020 by 11:59pm PDT.
  • Proposals must be submitted to roadmapprojects.info [at] cesmii.org (roadmapprojects[dot]info[at]cesmii[dot]org) in order to be accepted.