Closed Opportunities

Bioengineering, Biomanufacturing, Manufacturing

ARMI's mission is to make practical the large-scale manufacturing of engineered tissues and tissue-related technologies, to benefit existing industries and grow new ones. In help achieve this mission, one of the BioFabUSA program's manufacturing goals is to make practical end-to-end automated biofabrication lines. These lines would ideally...

Department of Energy
Energy, Manufacturing, Materials

The High Performance Computing for Manufacturing (HPC4Mfg) Program, designed to spur the use of national lab supercomputing resources and expertise to advance innovation in energy-efficient manufacturing, is seeking concept papers for a fourth solicitation. Concept proposals from U.S. manufacturers interested in utilizing the national labs’...


The Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation Institute (DMDII) announces the second 2016 project call for advanced manufacturing R&D projects

Current open call for projects include:

DMDII-16-03 Seamless Work Flows from Design to Fabrication DMDII-16-04 Real-Time Optimization of Factory Operations DMDII-16-05 Low-Cost Robotics and Automation...
Biomanufacturing, Biopharmaceutical

The National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals (NIIMBL) - Manufacturing USA institute - is pleased to announce a group of projects, designed to advance biopharmaceutical manufacturing and workforce development in the United States.

The projects represent approximately $14 million of activity over 18 months and involve 24...

Innovation, Manufacturing, Photonics

Welcome to our 4th annual AIM Photonics Call for Proposals for 2019 projects. The Call for Proposals is open to qualified parties that seek to secure federal funding in 2019 on a matched basis to implement projects targeting the technology goals of AIM Photonics. These high level goals include: (1) providing an infrastructure for cooperative...