Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) today issued a formal solicitation for a call for proposals for eight topic areas relative to advancing robotics technology for manufacturing. ARM is the nation’s leading collaborative in robotics and workforce innovation, focused on increasing U.S. global manufacturing competitiveness by progressing robotics innovation and the availability of skilled workers. ARM’s 189 members are able to participate in project calls.

This is the fourth project call since ARM’s formation in January 2017. To date, over 20 million dollars (US) across 18 projects has been committed to this mission by ARM and its members.
These topic areas reflect the Technology Investment Strategy developed by ARM and its member collaborative. Detailed information about the project call can be found on the ARM Member Community and on the ARM public website at
The eight topic areas are as follows:
1. Methods & Tools for Successful Robotics Adoption and Expansion
2. User-friendly Interfaces for Programming, Operation, & Maintenance
3. Bi-directional Communication on the Shop Floor
4. Human-Robot Trust and Safety
5. Modular Robotic Designs
6. Smart, Flexible Sensors and Integration
7. Automated Path Planning and Robot Instruction Generation
8. Advisor Robot