Closed Opportunities

Manufacturing, Materials

Rapid and frequent advances in fiber materials (“Moore’s law for fibers”) and fabric manufacturing processes enable, for the first-time, fabrics with sophisticated technological capabilities. AFFOA, a Manufacturing USA institute, is pleased to announce a new MicroAward pilot program designed for engaging member organizations in prototyping projects...

Additive Manufacturing, Defense, Materials, Process

America Makes, a Manufacturing USA institue, proudly announces its next Directed Project Opportunity made available today to its members for additive manufacturing (AM) applied research and development (R&D) projects for Advanced Tools for Rapid Qualification (ATRQ), funded by the Department of Defense (DoD), Office of the Secretary of Defense...

Electronics, Manufacturing, Power Electronics

PowerAmerica has issued a revision to its 2017 Call For Projects that seek to accelerate the adoption of SiC and GaN power electronics technologies. These revisions, highlighted in the document, clarify some of the application and award requirements.

The Call for Projects is primarily focused on the manufacturing of SiC and GaN power...
Additive Manufacturing, Robotics

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and have teamed up to help crowdsource solutions to increase manufacturing energy productivity in the U.S. DOE is working to develop next generation manufacturing technologies that will keep jobs in America, ensure products are made in the U.S.A., and strengthen America's industrial base.


Electronics, Flexible Hybrid Electronics

NextFlex®, America’s Flexible Hybrid Electronics (FHE) Manufacturing Institute, today released Project Call 4.0 (PC 4.0) — the latest call for proposals to fund projects that seek to further the development and adoption of FHE. Response to the first three project calls was staggering, with 178 initial proposals received resulting in over $59M in...