The 2018 Strategic Investment Plan (SIP) and Technology Roadmap describes DMDII’s directional priorities for 2018 and beyond. A vision of making “every part better than the last” is introduced as a means for focusing the Institute’s efforts, building on past research, and reducing technology to practice. The vision describes a future state where artificial intelligence, internet of things, and other digital technologies are integrated to create manufacturing systems that are continuously and automatically learning—and thereby becoming increasingly productive.
The 2018 DMDII Strategic Investment Plan and Technology Roadmap describes a vision of making “every part better than the last.”
The Plan grew out of a roadmapping workshop on November 1, 2017 that brought together more than 50 subject matter experts from industry, academia, and government. Participants considered technology and business trends and generated dozens of ideas that coalesced around a set of candidate initiatives that were further refined by subject matter experts from DMDII’s membership consortium.