
Guidance on Institute Performance Metrics: National Network for Manufacturing Innovation

Manufacturing USA
Manufacturing, Network

Released in August 2015, this initial Guidance on Institute Performance Metrics provides a broad framework for performance metrics and a set of common principles to Institutes within the Manufacturing USA program (the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation) for developing and implementing performance metrics for a variety of needs, such as self-evaluation, agency-specific performance tracking, and Congressional reporting requirements.

Guidance on Institute Performance Metrics: National Network for Manufacturing Innovation
Guidance on Institute Performance Metrics: National Network for Manufacturing Innovation

The guiding principles discussed in this document address essential issues not only in developing performance metrics, but also with respect to implementation and assessment processes. The document emphasizes key elements in the context of performance metrics, such as data, evaluations, and time frame, in order to ensure meaningful and reliable metrics that effectively and broadly measure the true performance of Institutes at different stages in their life cycle.

The document represents the collective studies and distilled thoughts from the Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office (AMNPO) Interagency Working Team, including all participating agencies, with input from and discussions with Manufacturing USA institutes funded by Department of Defense (DOD) and Department of Energy (DOE), the metric framework from DOE and DOD, as well as a collaborative study with NIST’s Economic Analysis Office (EAO).

Contact: amnpo [at] (Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office) - (301) 975-2830