
National Network for Manufacturing Innovation: A Preliminary Design

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On January 15, 2013, the amnpo [at] (Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office) released the report titled “National Network for Manufacturing Innovation: A Preliminary Design Document.”  This report describes the initial proposed design for Manufacturing USA (officially known as the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation), an initiative to accelerate U.S. advanced manufacturing by catalyzing the development of new technologies, educational competencies, production processes, and products via shared contributions from the public and private sectors and academia. The federal investment in the Manufacturing USA will create an effective manufacturing research infrastructure for U.S. industry and academia to solve industry-relevant problems.

Image of the report cover for the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation: A Preliminary Design.

National Network for Manufacturing Innovation: A Preliminary design

The program will consist of linked institutes that serve as regional hubs of world-leading technologies and services. The institutes will provide shared facilities to local start-ups and small manufacturers to help them scale up new technologies, accelerate technology transfer to the marketplace, and facilitate the adoption of innovative developments across supply chains. The institutes will also act as “teaching factories” to build workforce skills at multiple levels and to strengthen business capabilities in companies large and small.

Contact: amnpo [at] (Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office) - (301) 975-2830

Read the full National Network for Manufacturing Innovation: A Preliminary Design

Associated Documents

Executive Summary

Request for Information

Request for Information Response Summary

Designing for Impact I – Workshop Report

Designing for Impact II – Workshop Report

Designing for Impact III: Workshop Report

Designing for Impact IV: Workshop Report