
ARM Institute 22-01 Technology Project Call

COVID-19, Robotics

The ARM Institute has now publicly released our 22-01 Technology Project Call. There are several unique and new aspects to our Technology Project Call, including:

  • Project teams can request up to $1M per project. A minimum 1:1 cost share is required for all submissions. The overall ARM budget for this project call will be approximately $10M.
  • This Project Call will follow a NEW two-step process. The first step will be Concept Papers. Project teams selected from the Concept Phase will be invited for project presentations to our panel of reviewers. 
  • New and expanded Project Call topic areas, including an increased focus on AI for robotic manufacturing systems.

While our Project Call is publicly available, you must be an ARM Institute Member to submit a concept paper. Email membership [at] arminstitute.org (membership[at]arminstitute[dot]org) to learn more about membership.