Closed Opportunities


Welcome to the 5th annual AIM Photonics Call for Proposals for 2020 projects. As in prior years, the high level goals of AIM Photonics include: (1) providing an infrastructure for cooperative development of advanced integrated photonics manufacturing solutions in the United States; (2) catalyzing the maturation and stratification of the integrated...


Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) today issued a formal solicitation for a call for proposals for eight topic areas relative to advancing robotics technology for manufacturing. ARM is the nation’s leading collaborative in robotics and workforce innovation, focused on increasing U.S. global manufacturing competitiveness by progressing...

Manufacturing, Recycling, Reuse

The REMADE Institute is announcing a call for projects. REMADE solicits and will select project proposals that help advance the goals of the Institute, and enable U.S. manufacturers to increase the recovery, reuse, remanufacturing and recycling of materials.

All the information necessary to understand the proposal process and prepare a proposal...

Biopharmaceutical, Workforce

NIIMBL is pleased to announce Project Call 2.2. This project call seeks proposals addressing technology and workforce needs in high priority areas identified by industry members.

NIIMBL intends to make up to $4.5M in funding available for technology and workforce development projects.

A Project Call RFP Webinar will be held on Wednesday...

Power Electronics, Smart Manufacturing

The complete 2018 Call for Projects document can be viewed here.

As noted on the cover page of the Call for Projects document, Concept Papers are due on Tuesday, October 9, 2018 at 9:00pm EDT. The Full Proposal submission deadline is Tueday, December 4, 2018 at 9:00pm EST.

Click here to submit your Call for Projects Concept Paper and Full...