One of the major successes of Manufacturing USA’s public-private model is its ability to bring together large industry competitors in a neutral environment for pre-competitive collaboration. This benefits everyone in the industry while reducing the risks of divulging key intellectual property. Institute members benefit from pooled research and development resources (typically with federal cost-sharing), access to technical expertise, shared state-of-the-art facilities with testing and prototyping equipment, and exposure to potential new partners. Here are a few examples among hundreds of this pre-competitive collaboration at work.
Helping the Entire Biopharma Industry with Open-Source Testing
The biopharmaceutical industry relies on buffer stock to manufacture therapeutic proteins. Producing buffer stock takes considerable time, capital costs, and facility space. NIIMBL, the biopharmaceutical manufacturing institute, led a project in collaboration with BioPhorum and industry giants Merck & Co., Inc., MilliporeSigma, Janssen Research & Development, Sanofi, GlaxoSmithKline, and others to develop a new open-source buffer stock blending system. The technology reduces the time it takes to manufacture 2,000 liters of buffer solution from eight hours to less than an hour.
Learn more about NIIMBL
Aligning Automakers Around Smart Manufacturing
While automakers compete for customers, they all share a domestic supply chain that must increase its resilience and productivity. CESMII, the Smart Manufacturing Institute, has worked with USCAR (United States Council for Automotive Research), made up of representatives from Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis, to develop a “Roadmap for Automotive Smart Manufacturing” for standards-based openness and interoperability of platforms and applications to enable a more productive, competitive, and resilient automotive manufacturing environment in the U.S.
Learn more about CESMII